I don’t believe in magic
I don’t believe in magic. Most people want things to just “happen” to them without ever taking the first step, the catalyst, one inertia building action that sets everything else in motion. This is typically all it takes to get even the largest goals and dreams in your grasp and suddenly they don’t seem so insurmountable.
People love to believe in magic because it requires nothing of them. We always hear people say things like “One day when I win the lottery” or “you know, one day when my real life starts”. I genuinely believe we’ve all been so conditioned by movies and media to believe that, just like in the movies, one day our lives will be the way we want them to. Everything will line up right and we’ll have everything we’ve ever wanted and we’ll finally be content. This simply isn’t true. In fact, not only is it not true but the exact opposite is true. The more we sit around and hope things will be the way we dream them to be the more time we’ve wasted not living those dreams. This goes for everything in our lives. Writing songs, making money, gym goals, etc. We all want to be in shape, have a ton of money, and to be loved for our skills but you know what I’ve discovered? When I motivate myself to get started something happens that otherwise does not, I always get one step closer than I was the day before.
Take the first step in anything you want to achieve today. I know that it feels useless. I know it feels like you don’t even know where to start but I promise if you just do something…anything, you will feel accomplished and somehow that goal won’t feel so unattainable anymore.
I guess in the end I do believe in magic. Magic is when someone has an idea in their head and they take the steps against all odds and naysayers to make their vision a reality. They stand strong with a hope so genuine and unyielding that they risk failure and a mockery to see their dream become a reality. Creation is magic.